Sunday, May 8, 2011

The dreaded first post

I am really trying to get the hang of this whole blogging thing.  A friend at work has a great blog that his wife keeps up with and I just love it.  With all of the great things going on in our life, I don't really know where to start.

Let's see....

Arianne was in her first school play recently.  She was in the ensemble.  She did an amazing job.  When she was a little girl, she was so shy that I never imagined I would see her on a stage singing and performing.  She is so beautiful. 

We also just had a party for her 12th birthday.  I know, how am I old enough to have a 12 year old daughter!!!

Alyssa will be playing machine pitch baseball this summer.  She is so excited.  I can't wait to check out her skills.  She loves to run and play outside.  She is definitely not a girlie girl.  Arianne and her friends painted her nails and braided her hair.  She looked so cute but absolutely hated it.  She is so funny.

I was really lucky over the past few months, Jer's grandma, Leia, and Krissi all threw me a baby shower for Ashton.  He is already so spoiled.  We were fortunate enough to get everything we need for him.  We had a great time.

Jer has been working really hard to get everything ready for our little guy.  He is so amazing.  Here is a picture of the nursery.  He painted and hung up his letters for his room.

I almost forgot about Easter!!  The girls found eggs and got some great stuff from the Easter Bunny.  Suki even had a little fun with it.

And the best news of all.  I went to the doctor on Friday and scheduled my c-section for May 25th at 7:30.  I am so excited to be done with pregnancy.  It has been a rough one.  I guess I will never be one of those women who love being pregnant.  Oh well, he will be worth it.  Stay tuned...


  1. Love the blog and the baby room... Where did u get your inspiration?!? Haha. And ps only crazy people like being pregnant btw

  2. I know right!! This cutie family that I have been stalking just inspires everything I do now. Ha ha. I swear the bead board was already in the house and I picked the bedding before I knew you had it. Other than that, I am stealing all of your ideas from now on. You better start a new blog and not tell me your address =-) I am definitely not posting pics of the closet now because it is straight from Stockton's room. You guys are so cute. I am glad you had a great vacation.

  3. hahah i love it. how funny. i want to see the closet!! i have another project coming downstairs so i will take pics of it for you :) also jason said you wanted to know how to post date your blog entries...its easy and just at the bottom before you hit publish. i think it says post options or somthing and in there you can change the post date...let me know if you can't figure it out :)

  4. I just sent you an email but I think I fixed it. I am getting so good at this!!! I will post pics of the closet for sure.
